Category Archives: Realtors and Builders

Guest Vlog: 5 Levels of the Sales Presentation

Guest Vlog: 5 Levels of the Sales Presentation

Transcription (*you can read it here, but we highly recommend that you watch this video as much of what Quint shares comes through non-verbally):  Hey everybody, Quint Lears at I am so excited to be featured here on New Homes Solutions. Kimberly, thank you for having me on the program. By the way, whenContinue Reading

Webinar: Double Down for New Home Sales Success

Webinar: Double Down for New Home Sales Success

About the Presentation Learn how to master your sales presentation from the moment your prospect walk in the door! In this special, 2-part Lasso Webinar, Kimberly Mackey and Roland Nairnsey will deal you a winning hand of tools and tips to make the sales process seamless for your prospects. You’ll learn how to: Use the ‘Meet & Greet’ toContinue Reading

VLOG: Creating Urgency with the Downsizing Buyer

VLOG: Creating Urgency with the Downsizing Buyer

TRANSCRIPTION OF VLOG: Hi everyone. Kimberly Mackey here with New Homes Solutions, and I am coming to you today because you asked us some great questions on our little poll we conducted on Facebook. This prompted us to start a new series to answer your questions because they were fantastic. To have your question featured,Continue Reading

Guest Vlog:  How To Use Pinterest To Sell More Homes

Guest Vlog: How To Use Pinterest To Sell More Homes

(Video contains subtitles) Hi, everyone. My name is Anya Chrisanthon, and I’m the host of the New Construction Marketing Podcast. Let me ask you a quick question. Have you used Pinterest? No, I don’t mean to get outfit ideas or recipes, although that’s all good. I mean, have you used Pinterest to help you sellContinue Reading

As Seen On NAHBNow: In New Home Sales, Process Equals Growth

As Seen On NAHBNow: In New Home Sales, Process Equals Growth

Posted on NAHBNow | The News Blog of the National Association of Homebuilders on July 19, 2018 In New Home Sales, Process Equals Growth Filed in Business Management, Councils & Committees, Home Building, Sales & Marketing on July 19, 2018  If you want to freak out certain personality types, just start throwing around words like process, systems, tracking and accountability — words thatContinue Reading

Kimberly Mackey and Roland Nairnsey to Headline at SEBC’s Rockfest Sales Rally

Kimberly Mackey and Roland Nairnsey to Headline at SEBC’s Rockfest Sales Rally

Our dynamic duo of Roland Nairnsey and Kimberly Mackey will entertain, educate and engage you with innovative tips and practices on how to MASTER your sales presentation from the moment your prospects walk in the sales office! You will WIN big with these ‘real world’ sales strategies designed to help you hit your professional JACKPOT!Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence and the Real Estate Industry

Artificial Intelligence and the Real Estate Industry

There is nothing artificial about the intelligence needed to help buyers and sellers. ~Kimberly Mackey Real estate franchisor Keller Williams debuted an artificial intelligence-based virtual assistant and referrals platform today, announcing to the world it has every intention of thriving in a changing industry. “We are a technology company. No. 1 that means we build theContinue Reading

Book Now:  Coming Soon to an Association Near You

Book Now: Coming Soon to an Association Near You

Kimberly Mackey, New Homes Solutions teams up with Carol Morgan, from Denim Marketing to present this fast paced, dynamic and timely topic. We know that our sales teams are handling the “hot prospect”, the one that comes through the door nearly ready to buy, but what about those who may need to some help toContinue Reading

Video: Questions are the Answers, Part 1:  The Topo Must Go

Video: Questions are the Answers, Part 1: The Topo Must Go

Recently, I presented to the Manatee/Sarasota Building Industry Association’s Sales and Marketing Council Kick-off Breakfast. It was a great event with about 100-125 building industry and related associates in attendance. They had taken a survey of their membership and asked me to create a program specifically to address the challenges on-site agents and even generalContinue Reading

Video: Just Whose Objection is it Anyway?

Video: Just Whose Objection is it Anyway?

Often times, we are the ones with the objections that we project onto our buyers and that isn’t fair. Your buyers need for you to be impartial, and to listen to their wants and needs objectively, not filter it through your own lens. I hope you will take a the few minutes to listen toContinue Reading

VIDEO: 3 Questions Every Sales Person Needs to Ask Themselves

VIDEO: 3 Questions Every Sales Person Needs to Ask Themselves

We all know it starts with attitude, but what exactly is controlling your attitude? Suzanne shares a real heart-to-heart that every sales person needs to have with themselves in order to discover just where their attitude is and how it is impacting their sales. As the author of, New Home Sales The Basics and theContinue Reading

Practice Carefully!

Practice Carefully!

If we all agree that with practice comes proficiency, does it not stand to reason that whatever you practice doing you will become better and better at it…including mediocrity? Be careful on what you are practicing and devote yourself to practicing only those things which will make you better. Kimberly Mackey, REALTOR®, is the founderContinue Reading

Take Stock in 2016 in order to Make 2017 Count

Take Stock in 2016 in order to Make 2017 Count

by Suzanne Neff WOW!  Here we are at the end of 2016, and the opportunity to look back on our accomplishments and to look forward to 2017. As you re-visit 2016, I suggest you make a list (for those of you who know me I am big into making lists) of all your achievements andContinue Reading

VIDEO: The Best Advice a New Homes Sales Manager will Ever Get

VIDEO: The Best Advice a New Homes Sales Manager will Ever Get

New Homes Sales Managers, we understand that it seems like you can’t possibly fit everything in that you are expected to do. In this video, we discuss the way to prioritize the items that will get your team to produce more sales. The 10-5-2-1 formula is easy to use, easy to teach, and guarantees youContinue Reading

The Planned Encounter–The Most Important Tool in the Sales Manager’s Stable

The Planned Encounter–The Most Important Tool in the Sales Manager’s Stable

Sales Managers, when you understand the 10-5-2-1 Principles you can create more sales in less time with your sales team. Training and holding your team accountable happens each and every week during the Planned Encounter and we argue that the most important thing you have to do each and every week is to get outContinue Reading

Don’t Ask These 2 Questions

Don’t Ask These 2 Questions

Unless you like chasing rabbits, like “Alice in Wonderland” here are 2 questions we recommend you strike from discovery with your prospects. How many bedrooms are you looking for? How many square feet are you looking for? Why shouldn’t you ask these? It’s simple really. The buyer usually doesn’t know…YET. They think they do, butContinue Reading

Suzanne Neff Joins Forces with Kimberly Mackey at New Homes Solutions

Suzanne Neff Joins Forces with Kimberly Mackey at New Homes Solutions

New Homes Solutions and Kimberly Mackey are pleased to announce the addition of Suzanne Neff to the team. Suzanne brings a wealth of experience to New Homes Solutions. Having been involved in the home building industry for over 30 years, she began her career as a successful on site salesperson and worked her way throughContinue Reading

Wise Words from the Customers

Wise Words from the Customers

by Suzanne Neff A few months back I was having a meeting with one of my home builder clients.  The conversation turned to their recent traffic; those who had not yet purchased, but according to the information entered into their data base by their salespeople, were good leads. Where were these customers in the homeContinue Reading

Maybe It Isn’t “All or Nothing”

Maybe It Isn’t “All or Nothing”

Gordon Gekko, in the movie Wall Street, taught us that, “greed, for lack of a better word is good.” Being a glass half-full kind of gal, I like to think that he meant that going after something, and working hard in order to reap the rewards is a good thing.  It is pretty hard to argue withContinue Reading

Do You Have the Right Stuff to be a CONNECTOR?

Do You Have the Right Stuff to be a CONNECTOR?

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book, The Tipping Point, describes very special people called CONNECTORS. He says these are the people who “link us up with the world…people with a special gift for bringing the world together”. Great sales people are CONNECTORS, they don’t look at a new person they meet as simply an immediate sale.Continue Reading