Category Archives: COVID-19

2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer Webinar Series Continues with 2021 Planning, Budgeting, and Goal Setting

2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer Webinar Series Continues with 2021 Planning, Budgeting, and Goal Setting

*This webinar was recorded live on November 13, 2020 at 2 PM ET. Please join us for our next webinar on December 11, 2020 at 2 PM ET, when we will take a deep dive into the long awaited Lasso 2021 predictions for Marketing, Sales and the Overall Industry/Economic Outlook. Find out what’s hot and what’s not as Angela McKay from Lasso and several industry experts join us to chat about what we can look forward to in the new year.   Use the “Register Here” link below.

Our 2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer webinar series continues as we tackle 2021 planning, budgeting and goal setting.

So much has changed so quickly in 2020 that it seems like it has been 11 years instead of 11 months. If the math holds, we’ve got less than 2 years left until 2021. After 2020, we know it seems like creating budgets and setting goals may seem like throwing darts blindfolded. However, we learned some valuable lessons this year that can be applied to your 2021 planning and beyond.

To help us create a strong starting point for this monumental task, we are bringing in the Chief Economist with the National Association of Home Builders, Dr. Robert Dietz as our special guest. He will highlight some influential trends and changes that all builders should consider moving forward. As always, your hosts are industry experts Carol Morgan, founder and president of Denim Marketing and Kimberly Mackey, founder and sales and marketing management consultant of New Homes Solutions Consulting

Bring your questions! In 2021, we need a Plan A & B (perhaps even a C).


If you missed any of our other 2020 Vision webinars, click here to view them.

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2020 Vision Webinar: It’s a Game Changer–It’s A Party!

2020 Vision Webinar: It’s a Game Changer–It’s A Party!

*THIS WEBINAR WAS RECORDED LIVE ON OCTOBER 9, 2020. You are not going to want to miss out on this month’s installment of the 2020 Vision Webinar: It’s a Game Changer–It’s a Party!  Along with industry experts and head coaches Carol Morgan, founder and president of Denim Marketing and Kimberly Mackey, founder and sales and marketing management consultantContinue Reading

NEW WEBINAR SERIES: 2020 Vision–It’s a Game Changer

NEW WEBINAR SERIES: 2020 Vision–It’s a Game Changer

*Our first webinar of this series was recorded live on June 12, 2020 at 2 PM ET.  Mark your calendar, and be sure to register for our next webinar on July 10, 2020. REGISTER HERE FOR THE SERIES OR A SINGLE WEBINAR It isn’t just the rules that have changed; we are playing a completelyContinue Reading

How Do You Motivate the Motivators? Pass It On Quarantine Advice.

How Do You Motivate the Motivators? Pass It On Quarantine Advice.

If you are like me, you are starting to miss your friends and colleagues, and are a bit ZOOMED out. Well, I decided to do something about that, so I reached out to a group of my friends and colleagues who are thought leaders in the home building industry. I asked them to share aContinue Reading

Free Webinar: Improving Realtor® Relationships for the Long Haul

Free Webinar: Improving Realtor® Relationships for the Long Haul

This week, we are back with an eighth webinar in a series designed to help sales and marketing teams in the new home industry improve their co-op Realtor relationships during this uncharted crisis. This webinar was recorded live on May 15, 2020, at 1 p.m. EDT. As part of our webinar series, “Selling in aContinue Reading

Free Webinar – Part 7: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty Series – Inspiration and Spring Cleanup

Free Webinar – Part 7: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty Series – Inspiration and Spring Cleanup

This webinar was recorded live on FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2020 at 1:00 PM EDT/10:00 AM PDT The next one will be on May 15th.  You can use the link below to register for it. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW May Day, May Day – No our ship is not sinking, we are hosting our nextContinue Reading

FREE WEBINAR Part 6: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Pave the Road to Recovery

FREE WEBINAR Part 6: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Pave the Road to Recovery

This webinar was recorded live FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2020 at 1 PM EDT/10 AM PDT CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE UPCOMING WEBINAR ON FRIDAY, MAY 1st   This week we are back with Part 6 of our webinar series: “Selling in a Time of Uncertainty: Pave a Road To Recovery.” We are going toContinue Reading

FREE WEBINAR Part 5: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Energy, Optimism, Action

Join us next Friday, April 24, 2020, at 1:00 PM EDT/10:00 AM PDT, when our special guest will be Melissa Morman, Client Experience Officer of Builders Digital Experience (BDX). REGISTER HERE FOR NEXT FRIDAY’S WEBINAR Until then, please enjoy the recording of the April 17, 2020 webinar. On April 24, 2020, we continue our journeyContinue Reading

FREE WEBINAR Part 4: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Chart Your Course

FREE WEBINAR Part 4: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Chart Your Course

This webinar was recorded live on FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020 at 1:00 PM EDT/10:00 AM PDT Last week, our audience asked us about managing the here and now. The focus was more on getting it right and getting it right for NOW. So, we have prepared a whole new session for you. We are bringingContinue Reading

FREE WEBINAR Part 3: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Is This Our ‘New Normal?’

FREE WEBINAR Part 3: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Is This Our ‘New Normal?’

WEBINAR RECORDED LIVE ON FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2020 at 1:00 PM EDT/10:00 AM PDT With those goals in mind, our topics this week are: Keeping your branding and messaging on point while still encouraging interaction on your social channels Ideas to help rebuild or support your community during the crisis Managing the virtual appointment settingContinue Reading

FREE WEBINAR Part 2: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Ramping up in a Time of Uncertainty

FREE WEBINAR Part 2: Selling in a Time of Uncertainty-Ramping up in a Time of Uncertainty

When: Mar 27, 2020, 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) REGISTER HERE FOR THIS WEBINAR (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.) With the constantly changing landscape and different protocols from state to state, it’s important that we stay calm, safe, and healthy while still doing whatContinue Reading