Author Archives:

Sales and Marketing Power Hour: Is By Appointment Here to Stay?

Sales and Marketing Power Hour: Is By Appointment Here to Stay?

If the Pandemic taught the new home building industry one thing, booking “By Appointment” is highly effective. After years of experts touting the advantages of setting appointments, builders have made the switch to by appointment preferred or by appointment only to provide customers with social distanced experiences. And the side effects are numerous – moreContinue Reading

Head-to-Head: The Enneagram Enigma with Quint Lears and Kimberly Mackey

Head-to-Head: The Enneagram Enigma with Quint Lears and Kimberly Mackey

  Do you ever feel like you are not being heard? Do you feel like you have to say the same thing over and over to your buyers? Perhaps, it is nothing more than two personality styles who communicate and hear things in very different ways? Listen in to this recording where Kimberly Mackey wentContinue Reading

Head-to-Head with Roland Nairnsey: Engaging Anxious Buyers in Today’s Hot Market

Head-to-Head with Roland Nairnsey: Engaging Anxious Buyers in Today’s Hot Market

(If you would like to read the discussion between Kimberly and Roland, the video transcription at the bottom of the page.) On April 13, 2021, Kimberly Mackey went Head-to-Head with Roland Nairnsey, from New Homes Sales Plus. Buyers are getting extremely anxious with all the bidding wars, rising prices, product shortages, lotteries, VIP lists, highestContinue Reading

Sales and Marketing Power Hour: A Buy Now Button Coming to a Website Near You

Sales and Marketing Power Hour: A Buy Now Button Coming to a Website Near You

A Buy Now Button Coming to a Website Near You was recorded live on April 16, 2021. Please join us LIVE for the next Power Hour on May 21, 2021. REGISTER HERE Can buying a home today really be as simple as pressing a button? During the next edition of the Sales & Marketing PowerContinue Reading

Building Perspective Podcast: Looking Forward with Kimberly Mackey

Building Perspective Podcast: Looking Forward with Kimberly Mackey

Recently, Kimberly Mackey was honored to be the featured guest on the Building Perspective Podcast. we spoke about how to get involved in the homebuilders association to give back to our industry, how to manage yourself and others using PRO-active and RE-active time, and even managing your building business during all the chaos and withContinue Reading

Head to Head with John Palumbo–Living the Highly Influential Life

Head to Head with John Palumbo–Living the Highly Influential Life

Head to Head is not a webinar and it isn’t a podcast, it is a conversation between Kimberly Mackey and her colleagues and industry friends about some of the hottest topics and challenges in the new home market today. However, today we are reminded that not every topic needs to be HOT for it toContinue Reading

Power Hour Webinar: Cut the Commission: Pros & Cons of Paying Co-op Commission

Power Hour Webinar: Cut the Commission: Pros & Cons of Paying Co-op Commission

        Join us once a month on Fridays at noon E.T. for the Sales & Marketing Power Hour. Kimberly Mackey of New Homes Solutions Consulting and Carol Morgan of Denim Marketing promise to power up home builder sales and marketing teams–no topic is too cutting edge for us to tackle! Focused onContinue Reading

Head to Head with Kimberly Mackey and Chris Hartley: Sales Throttling & Managing the Sales Pace

Head to Head with Kimberly Mackey and Chris Hartley: Sales Throttling & Managing the Sales Pace

(If you would like to read the discussion between Kimberly and Chris, the video transcription is at the bottom of this page.) HEAD to HEAD is now a thing! What kind of thing, you ask? Well, it is something in between a podcast and a webinar, and you are invited to attend one or allContinue Reading

Sales and Marketing Power Hour: Are Chatbots and Automation Taking Over the World?

Sales and Marketing Power Hour: Are Chatbots and Automation Taking Over the World?

Kimberly Mackey of New Homes Solutions Consulting and Carol Morgan of Denim Marketing kicked off 2021 with Sales & Marketing Power Hour, a fresh, new webinar series that continues the momentum of the 2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer webinar series.  Hosted once a month on Fridays at noon E.T., Sales & Marketing Power Hour promises to powerContinue Reading

PRESS RELEASE: New Homes Solutions Founder, Kimberly Mackey, Named NSMC Chair for 2021

PRESS RELEASE: New Homes Solutions Founder, Kimberly Mackey, Named NSMC Chair for 2021

Kimberly Mackey, founder of New Homes Solutions Consulting, has been tapped to serve as the 2021 Chairperson for the National Sales and Marketing Council (NSMC). Mackey is also honored to serve as the 2021 2nd Vice-Chair of the Associates Committee for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) where she will climb the leadership ladderContinue Reading

New Webinar Series Announced: The Sales and Marketing Power Hour

New Webinar Series Announced: The Sales and Marketing Power Hour

UPDATE: This webinar was recorded LIVE on January 22, 2021 with our special guest, Tammie Smoot, from the The BDX. Who better to ask about engaging your online leads?  If you missed it, please enjoy the recording here, and be sure to register below to join the rest of the webinars in the series.  Continue Reading

2020 Vision Webinar: Top New Home Sales and Marketing Tips for 2021

2020 Vision Webinar: Top New Home Sales and Marketing Tips for 2021

RECORDED LIVE, December 11, 2020 2020 has definitely been a year for the record books. We have enjoyed spending time with you every month to help you to navigate this extraordinary year. Now, as we come to our last 2020 Vision Webinar of the series, we wanted to wrap it all up in a BIGContinue Reading

Head to Head! Myers Barnes & Kimberly Mackey

Head to Head! Myers Barnes & Kimberly Mackey

Head to Head was recorded live on December 15, 2020. If you missed it, please enjoy this replay and stay tuned for more Head to Head programs in 2021. So much has changed in new home sales this year, or has it? Join Myers Barnes and Kimberly Mackey as we go head to head inContinue Reading

Mackey is the Featured Guest on the Digital Marketing Podcast

Mackey is the Featured Guest on the Digital Marketing Podcast

Join hosts Greg Bray, President of Blue Tangerine and Kevin Weitzel, VP of Business Development and Sales at Outhouse with featured guest this week, Kimberly Mackey, the founder of New Homes Solutions. They discuss multiple ways to improve your customer’s buying experience, such as improving processes and technology. Kimberly is full of energy and herContinue Reading

2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer Webinar Series Continues with 2021 Planning, Budgeting, and Goal Setting

2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer Webinar Series Continues with 2021 Planning, Budgeting, and Goal Setting

*This webinar was recorded live on November 13, 2020 at 2 PM ET. Please join us for our next webinar on December 11, 2020 at 2 PM ET, when we will take a deep dive into the long awaited Lasso 2021 predictions for Marketing, Sales and the Overall Industry/Economic Outlook. Find out what’s hot andContinue Reading

2020 Vision Webinar: It’s a Game Changer–It’s A Party!

2020 Vision Webinar: It’s a Game Changer–It’s A Party!

*THIS WEBINAR WAS RECORDED LIVE ON OCTOBER 9, 2020. You are not going to want to miss out on this month’s installment of the 2020 Vision Webinar: It’s a Game Changer–It’s a Party!  Along with industry experts and head coaches Carol Morgan, founder and president of Denim Marketing and Kimberly Mackey, founder and sales and marketing management consultantContinue Reading

Webinar: 2020 Vision: Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Revealed

Webinar: 2020 Vision: Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Revealed

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR OUR UPCOMING WEBINARS RECORDED LIVE on Friday, September 11 at 2 p.m. ET for 2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer. This month, our webinar series takes a deep dive into the results of the 2020 Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop conducted by Denim Marketing, Melinda Brody & Company, and Blue Gypsy,Continue Reading

2020 Vision Webinar: Stop Majoring in the Minors and Focus on What Matters

2020 Vision Webinar: Stop Majoring in the Minors and Focus on What Matters

Do you ever feel like all you do is react? Let’s talk about proactive sales and marketing! On Friday, August 14, 2020 at 2 p.m. ET, we recorded WEBINAR: 2020 Vision – It’s a Game Changer–Stop Majoring in the Minors, Focus on What Matters. If you missed it, or you just want to go backContinue Reading

WEBINAR: 2020 Vision-It’s a Game Changer–Marketing ROI for the C-Suite

WEBINAR: 2020 Vision-It’s a Game Changer–Marketing ROI for the C-Suite

Register now for our new joint Denim Marketing / New Homes Solutions monthly webinar series, “2020 Vision–It’s a Game Changer!” The schedule is the 2nd Friday of each month in 2020.  Our next webinar will be on August 14, 2020, at 2 PM where the topic will be, “Stop Majoring in the Minors, Focus on What Matters.” Whether youContinue Reading

NEW WEBINAR SERIES: 2020 Vision–It’s a Game Changer

NEW WEBINAR SERIES: 2020 Vision–It’s a Game Changer

*Our first webinar of this series was recorded live on June 12, 2020 at 2 PM ET.  Mark your calendar, and be sure to register for our next webinar on July 10, 2020. REGISTER HERE FOR THE SERIES OR A SINGLE WEBINAR It isn’t just the rules that have changed; we are playing a completelyContinue Reading