Category Archives: Builder Sales

Good Sales Professionals Always Mind Their Own Business

Good Sales Professionals Always Mind Their Own Business

If you want something done, do it yourself! Sales pro’s, this is something we must remember each and every day. So often, we try to “hand-off” work to our managers or others in the company. Then, we complain when it takes them too long to get it done. If we want effective sales management, weContinue Reading

Maybe It Isn’t “All or Nothing”

Maybe It Isn’t “All or Nothing”

Gordon Gekko, in the movie Wall Street, taught us that, “greed, for lack of a better word is good.” Being a glass half-full kind of gal, I like to think that he meant that going after something, and working hard in order to reap the rewards is a good thing.  It is pretty hard to argue withContinue Reading

Do You Have the Right Stuff to be a CONNECTOR?

Do You Have the Right Stuff to be a CONNECTOR?

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book, The Tipping Point, describes very special people called CONNECTORS. He says these are the people who “link us up with the world…people with a special gift for bringing the world together”. Great sales people are CONNECTORS, they don’t look at a new person they meet as simply an immediate sale.Continue Reading

WEBINAR:  Sales Management by the Numbers

WEBINAR: Sales Management by the Numbers

About the Presentation Are your sales consultants consistently selling at least one new home per week? If not, this is program for you.  Learn the formula for success from a Sales and Marketing Management Consultant who continues to walk in your shoes daily and who personally manages multiple sales teams from across the country toContinue Reading

Bad Apples

Bad Apples

One bad apple really can spoil the whole bunch. We all know one–that perpetually unhappy sales person who isn’t happy unless they are complaining about something. Some people just process information differently than others, and sometimes that can come out as verbal questioning, often in front of others. I see this a lot in salesContinue Reading

Un-slumping Yourself is Not Easily Done (or is it?)

Un-slumping Yourself is Not Easily Done (or is it?)

All of you out there who have trained with me are going to get a real chuckle out of this article.  Dare I say it?  Ok, here we go, “Dr. Seuss is a genius!”  There I said it.  No taking it back now, so I guess I had better support it instead. In his book,Continue Reading