Book Now:  Coming Soon to an Association Near You

Book Now: Coming Soon to an Association Near You

Kimberly Mackey, New Homes Solutions teams up with Carol Morgan, from Denim Marketing to present this fast paced, dynamic and timely topic.

We know that our sales teams are handling the “hot prospect”, the one that comes through the door nearly ready to buy, but what about those who may need to some help to get them across the finish line? Or those who will be hot…in a few months? How do you make sure they don’t fall through the cracks and get left behind? We know that prospects are too precious to waste. That is why we are rolling out this tour to help builders, sales people, general real estate agents across the country to know which tools to use and how and when to use them appropriately.

We have special pricing for associations affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and National Association of REALTORS®. To book this program, please email info@NewHomesSolutions.com .

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