International Builders Show 2019: Master Session, “The Customer Experience Funnel”
Kimberly Mackey is an accomplished and sought after national speaker and published author of many Sales and Leadership articles. Her ‘tell it like it is’ style and practical and proven real-world sales solutions engage, educate, and empower audiences.
Kimberly’s most requested topics include:
The Customer Experience Funnel Workshop Fast-paced and interactive, this “Builder 20 Style” Presentation makes a terrific extended Lunch and Learn. The Customer Experience Funnel (CEF) encompasses all systems within the company including its overall health/profitability. This workshop explores the best practices from lead generation through the completion of construction to guide you on a path to sustainable growth. We will discuss:
* Lead Generation-Demystifying the SEO/SEM, Social Media vs traditional advertising conundrum
* Engage Your Sales Team to drive 50% of their leads
* Lead to Sales-Use your CRM to predict outcome and manage your marketing budget
* Contract to Start-tweaks to move buyers more efficiently and satisfactorily through your process
* “Top Grade”-through coaching, tools, recruitment or replacement to ensure you have the right team in place
* Construction to Completion-keep the CEF from becoming clogged to create happy homeowners who become a referral source for more profitable sales starting the cycle again.
Sales Solutions including networking, all aspects of the critical path selling, developing solid real estate brokerage relations, qualifying and closing, construction for sales, social media strategies, and more!
Questions Are The Answers When you ask different/better questions, you understandably get a better response. But just what questions to ask, and more importantly, when should you ask them? If your team hasn’t mastered the art of Opening Better to Close More Sales, this is the program for you.
Management and Leadership Solutions including accountability, leadership training, recruiting & hiring, change management, and more!
Teambuilding and Personal Development Solutions including goal setting, motivational programs, interactive teambuilding exercise, networking & referrals, best practices, and more!
Sales Management by the Numbers including how to increase your ROI
Real Estate/Customer Outreach Solutions including effective General real estate relations, networking, building a referral network, and more!
Kimberly’s programs are unique and her message is fresh and spot on. The bottom line, Kimberly delivers New Homes Solutions that work! For more information, or to book Kimberly for your next program, please call (813) 712-3844 or email [email protected]
All programs are customized to fit your event theme, audience type, budget, and time frame. If you are a Building Industry Association or REALTOR® Association, please ask about our Association Discounts and Sponsorship Partnerships. Click Here today to book Kimberly at your next conference, sales meeting, or workshop.